Friday, 8 August 2008

Cavalcade of Cunts #1

The first in an occasional series where we identify notable ne'erdowells in the news and brand them publicly with everyone's favourite obscenity. It's not big and it's not clever but goddamn, it's satisfying.

First up are these two heartless wannabe-gangsta pricks, Jospeh Chin and Kevron (no, don't laugh, that's really his name) Williams. They chased after a bus when a 14 year old kid on board gave them a 'dirty look', then stabbed him to death- in the back, no less. What a couple of cunts.

A 12 year sentence was handed down to Chin- an ironic name, given that that is where he's likely to find some burly lag's nutsack in the near future.

Look out for another in our Cavalcade of Cunts very soon. Puerile, so you don't have to be.

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